Grind Types

Whole Bean

  • Grind: Un-ground, whole, roasted coffee beans
  • Consistency: Whole, you'll be grinding these yourself
  • Best for: Those who prefer to grind their beans fresh right before brewing for optimal flavor and aroma. Allows for complete control over grind size to match any brewing method.

French Press/Cold Brew/Toddy

  • Grind: Coarse
  • Particle size: 7.25µm
  • Consistency: Similar to coarse sea salt, with large, distinct particles.  
  • Best for: French press, percolators, and other immersion brewing methods where coffee steeps in water for an extended period.  


  • Grind: Medium
  • Particle Size: 4.5- 5.5µm
  • Consistency: Similar to medium-grain sea salt, with a slightly finer texture than the pour over grind.
  • Best for: Automatic drip coffee makers and flat-bottom pour over brewers.


  • Grind: Medium-fine
  • Particle Size: 3.5 - 3.75µm
  • Consistency: Comparable to fine table salt, with smaller, more uniform particles.
  • Best for: Home espresso, Moka pot, Aeropress, siphon brewers, and cone-shaped pour over devices.


  • Grind: Fine
  • Particle Size: 3.0- 3.5µm
  • Consistency: Like finely ground table salt or caster sugar, with a powdery texture.
  • Best for: Espresso machines, requiring a fine grind for proper extraction under pressure.  

Vista Clara Roast Guide